Linda Nyvltova | Teacher – Kendall Conrad


Spanish noun

a woman who is very knowledgeable about an activity, subject, or pastime. a connoisseur, expert, specialist, cognoscente, an enthusiast.

Linda Nyvltova | Teacher

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Where are you from?
I was born in Slovakia. Since the age of fourteen I've been on the road. I started working as a model, and I had to constantly move for work. I lived in Paris, NYC and Los Angeles. I feel at home in many places.

What do you do?
The past two years I've been going through big changes. I hit a pause button on modeling, and fully dove into being a yoga teacher. I wanted to be available and completely present to my students. I believe in giving one hundred percent or the results will be mediocre. I was very successful as a model, it's a mindset. I want to become the best possible version of anything I choose to do. It's also a responsibility to my students, so I can offer them a high quality class. I loved my life as a model, but I felt it was time to follow this calling. The journey here has been amazing.




Where do you live now? What do you love most about where you live?
I moved back to Slovakia, but travel to Los Angeles frequently. After all the years away, I was exhausted and I wanted peace of mind. Now I feel how important it is to be connected to your roots. I noticed there was a need for yoga there. We are so spoiled in Los Angeles with the quality of lifestyle. I want to bring the same to Slovakia. Every time I am in Los Angeles, I breathe in the inspiration, and I am so happy to bring it back and share at home.



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To really be able to live up to my potential.

Favorite hobbies/pastimes?
Spending time with my friends, hiking, being in nature, and travel. I also love going to galleries, museums. I feel like my work is also my hobby. On my free time I watch educational YouTube videos about anatomy and nutrition. I'm a bit of a nerd.

What inspires you?
Travel, music, my teachers and my students.

What do you like most about your work?
I love when can I inspire a positive change in people's lives. I love to see them get stronger, more confident, and happy. My heart melts.



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What’s up next for you?
A lot of travel this year. I'm mentoring young models in Slovakia and working on a work/life balancing, e-learning program.

When are you the happiest?
When I'm in love. In love with life, with what I do, and when I'm fully in the moment.

What are your favorite places that you have travelled to and where do you want to go next?
My favorite is Central America. Costa Rica and Panama especially, are breathtaking. I hope to go back again soon and then to Italy.

What is your favorite hotel/resort to stay in?
I recently stayed at The Mint Hotel in Santa Theresa, Costa Rica. It's a wonderful place. Four rooms only, it's heaven.



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What are some of your favorite books/audiobooks, and films/shows?
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, by Sogyal Rinpoche.
The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz.
Why We Sleep, by Mathew Walker.
The Master and Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov.
Siddhartha, Herman Hesse.
Plus, I listen to a lot of podcasts:, Eckhart Tolle, Impact Theory, Super Soul, The Week Unwrapped, and Goop.

Seen any great exhibits lately?
I am obsessed with Atelier des Lumières in Paris. They have a show of projection synched with music. It's true experience.



“Right now is when we can change, right now is when we are creating our future.”


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How do you unwind or de-stress?
Meditate, yoga, and I hit the gym and lift heavy weights.

Do you unplug from devices?
Always. And I use the red light filter at night on all of my devices. Programmed to start at sun set, it preserves your eyes’ adaptation to the dark.




How do you take good care of yourself?
Intermittent fasting, regular bed time 10.30/11pm, to get about 7.5h of sleep. I'm mostly sugar free and grain free. In terms of supplements I really like digestive enzymes, Nutritional Yeast, ashwagandha and a good raw multivitamin.

When do you feel your best?
When I'm moving.

Skincare regime?
I keep it very simple. Clean the skin gently and hydrate.



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What is your style credo?
I like to channel a character, evoke a feeling when I dress.

Who is your style icon, and why?
My friend Bianca O'Brien. She is super smart and has the most witty sense of humor. She goes deep and when she dresses, she tells a story. I'm much more minimalist than her, but her outfits are always super cool. Even when she's just around the house.



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How do you wear KC?
I like the simple, classic bags and layering the jewelry. I like both to become a part of me. I never take off the jewelry and I will add more on an occasion.




Which pieces from the new collection do you want the most?
All of the ear cuffs. I never used to wear them, but now it's my new thing and I never take them off. I will get more to layer them. Oh and the Girona II Bag-love!

What do you like best about KC?
The amazing quality. And I'm very picky! :))



All Photos by Kendall Conrad Using an iPhone 11+